Image by Ian Schneider (Unsplash)
Research Masters
Are you interested in the field of behavioral neuroscience with a focus on cognition, decision-making, emotion and social cognition (or related field)? Do you like turning your ideas into reality by designing your own experiments? Do you like to be challenged and learn new skills?
Then find out more about oppertunities to do your Masters in our lab. If you are interested, please send
a short letter of motivation including your research interests,
a short research proposal describing your research idea (1-2 pages),
your CV
to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carmen Morawetz
email: carmen.morawetz(at)uibk.ac.at
Psychology undergraduate students as well as overseas exchange/Masters students are welcome to express interest in participanting as research interns in our lab. We offer limited (unpaid) positions for talented and exceptionally motivated students, who are thinking about pursuing a career in affective and social neuroscience and are keen to get some hands-on experience in the lab.
As research intern, you will also take part in all activities of the lab, such as lab meetings, workshops and journal clubs, and you will have the opportunity to be directly involved in real research projects. Please note that the availability of research intern positions strongly depends on available projects and current supervision capacity.
If you are interested in doing a research internship with us, please submit an application.