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Principal Investigator


Carmen Morawetz is a Professor in the cognitive, affective and social neuroscience areas of the Psychology Department at University of Innsbruck. Using a combination of behavioral, physiological, and neuroimaging measures, she is interested in understanding how emotions are generated, how people regulate their emotions and how emotional experiences influence other cognitive functions such as decision-making, language, and memory. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Innsbruck, she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Goettingen and postdoctoral training at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Medical University of Vienna.

Room 3S14

Universitätsstrasse 5-7 (Hotel Grauer Bär)

6020 Innsbruck

+43 (0)512 507-56064

Consultation hour:

Monday, 4pm according to prior agreement



Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Gaia is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Innsbruck. She calls herself an "affective warrior" who fights for the importance of taking into account and valuing emotions in our daily lives. She wants to shed light on individual differences in the generation and regulation of emotions, and how these can influence different cognitive domains, such as perception and decision-making. A strong supporter of the embodied cognition approach, she aims to explore the interplay between brain and body by combining behavioral, physiological, and neuroimaging measures. Before joining the lab, she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Trento (Italy) and 2-years of postdoctoral training at the New York University in Abu Dhabi (UAE). In her free time, she enjoys doing yoga, hiking in nature, and baking for friends

Room 2S12

Universitätsstrasse 5-7 (Hotel Grauer Bär)

6020 Innsbruck

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PhD student, Charité Universität Berlin

Stella is a medical student at Charité Universität Berlin and works as a student assistant at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of Freie Universität Berlin. Before her medical studies, she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. She is extremely interested in studying the human brain in general, with a focus on emotion processing as well as methodological issues of neuroimaging. As a graduate student in the Affective Neuro Lab, she investigates the reliability of brain activity associated with emotion generation and regulation using fMRI. In her free time, she enjoys running, doing yoga, cooking and singing.



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PhD student

Mirna is a Ph.D. student in the Psychology Department at the University of Innsbruck. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and her Master's degree in Clinical Psychology at the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz, Austria. During her studies, she developed a keen interest in brain research, neuromodulation and imaging techniques. As a member of the Affective Neuro Lab, she is investigating the neural underpinnings of human emotion regulation in a social context. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, playing video games and volunteering.

Room 3S15

Universitätsstrasse 5-7 (Hotel Grauer Bär)

6020 Innsbruck

+43 (0)512 507-56064



PhD student

Mi is currently undertaking her PhD studies at the Psychology Department at the University of Innsbruck. Following a Bachelor's in Biology at the Technical University in Brunswick, Germany, she earned a Master's degree in Behavior, Neurobiology, and Cognition at the University of Vienna, Austria. Now, as a member of the Affective Neuro Lab, she leverages her long-standing fascination for sleep research to investigate the neurobiological foundations of sleep paralysis in conjunction with emotional experiences, employing an interdisciplinary approach that integrates elements of psychology and neurobiology. In her spare time, she enjoys playing the guitar, drawing, reading, and playing tennis.

Room 3W03

Universitätsstrasse 5-7 (Hotel Grauer Bär)

6020 Innsbruck

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David Lang


Miljana Savic

Student Assisstent


Former Lab Members


Research Interns

Maximilian Boll

David Lang

Sebastian Caspar

Corinna Eber

Adam Schönstedt

Lisa-Marie J. Rese

Julia Stephanie Sulzmann




MA Students

Sebastian Brauner

Teresa Brückner

Inka Bürger

Corinna Eber

Hannah Faller

Stephanie Krämer

Amelie Scherz

Katharina Spitz

Anna Uhlmann




International Visiting Students

Sofia Amaoui

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